Monday, April 14, 2008

Getting on my own nerves

I just got an email from the mom of the dog I took care of over...what was it, President's Day weekend? Whatever. She and her husband (along with some unnamed others) are going to Spain and Italy for 17 days in July and wanted to know if I could help take care of Mel while they are gone.

The jealousy. It burns.

But first I had to wonder who they're going with and if it's people I'm also friends with, then I'm really hatefully jealous, because...why? Am I jealous of their disposable cash? Their vacation time? Certainly, as far as freedom from responsibility goes, I am one of the least-encumbered people I know. But I'm not much of a solo adventurer (says the girl who took herself to Seattle last year, where she rented a car and drove up to Arlington and back) and blah blah feeling-sorry-for-myself-cakes.

A friend stopped by to visit while I was in the middle of typing this and took all the wind out of my sails. Suffice it to say that I REALLY hate when I react with jealousy rather than congratulatory happiness at the good fortunes of others. Dammit, they work hard. Let them enjoy their lives without making it all about you.

In other news, Ambre? Really, Bret? Can't wait to watch the VH-1 extras online.


Katie said...

Damn. I read this post before I saw Rock of Love... Ah well.

Talix said...

I'm sorry, sweetie!!!